People can choose to believe the Scriptures including the Tanach (Old Testament), and the Brit Chadasha (New Testament), were inspired by the Holy One through the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit). Or, they can choose to reject this reality. We all have a choice. We can either listen to the truth of God’s Word, or we can listen to the varying opinions of mankind in regard to this life and beyond. Which is more reliable?
God’s Word in the Scriptures is infallible, and therefore incapable of failure or falsehood. It is a set of writings that can be totally trusted to convey truth in regards to creation, the right way to live on earth, and what lies ahead on into eternity. To accept it and believe it has been inspired by the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit of God) is to start on a pathway of hope.
The truth contained in Scripture can be replaced by stories and traditions based on human ideas and concepts. Only Scriptural truth can result in hope for this present physical life, and on into the eternal future.
Life in our physical bodies is very short. Eternity, on the other hand is never ending. It is outside of time as we know it. The Scriptures have much to say about our brevity on earth. One such reference is found in chapter 4 verse 14 of the book of Ya’acov (James) in the Brit Chadasha. The reference says our lives on earth are just a vapour, appearing for a while and then vanishing.
At the time of creation God had obviously intended human beings to live in an earthly paradise forever. No death, no sickness, and therefore an eternal life. He had placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden from which they were eventually driven because of sin. Beresheet (Genesis) chapter 2 verse 7 tells us when God created/formed the man Adam, He breathed into him the Spirit of Life, the Ruach Ha Kodesh. In chapter 3 verse 19 God told Adam that as he had done wrong, he would experience death and his body would return to the dust from which he had been formed.
Scripture does not indicate how long Adam and Eve were in the Garden before they ate of the fruit. We are told in Beresheet (Genesis) that God Himself came and walked and talked with them in the cool of the evening. There was no sin or death in the Garden, prior to the eating of the forbidden fruit. Adonai’s intention was to have Adam and Eve and their offspring as friends. From Scripture it is clear He desires people to turn to Him and come into a relationship as a friend.
As mankind originated from Adam and Eve, we are both physical and spiritual. It is the spirit or soul of mankind that leaves the physical body at death.
Mankind have been given the ability to think. Considering we are spirit as well as physical, our spirit needs feeding just as our physical bodies do. God’s Word serves to feed our spirits as we read and let it take root in our minds and hearts. It is life changing. Chapter 2 of the book of Mishlei (Proverbs) informs us that Adonai gives wisdom and out of His mouth comes knowledge and understanding. He can speak into our hearts and minds wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that is above the limits of the human mind.
Apart from His Spirit being involved in our lives, we will only operate from our human understanding thereby missing out on an essential ingredient. It is beneficial to read His Word and think things through. After all, we have been given a brain and a mind. However, as God’s Word was inspired by Him through the Ruach Ha Kodesh, it can also speak to us in our spirit. It may cut across that which seems normal from a human perspective and convict us, at which point we can either reject it or listen. The choice is ours.
All of Scripture from start to finish, from Beresheet (Genesis) to the book of Revelation in the Brit Chadasha contains among many things, a message of deliverance and hope for those who will listen. The Tanach (Old Testament) contains many references to the historic need of animal sacrifices by the people of Israel for the cleansing of sin. This involved the shedding of blood. Animals had to die and have their blood shed because of the sins of the people. Animal sacrifices eventually ceased after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem around CE 70. With the Temple destroyed, it was decided by rabbis, good deeds would replace the need for shedding blood to ensure people will be acceptable to God. The Scriptures tell us we are to love others as ourselves, so doing good deeds for others is in line with what Torah requires.
The Hebrew word mitzvah means commandment and can also be used to describe good deeds. The requirement for good deeds is outlined in Torah, however it is evident from Scripture that the shedding of blood is necessary for cleansing from sin. This may seem strange to us today, but the Holy One established this as a requirement for the forgiveness of sin.
The first death occurred as a result of Adam and Eve’s wrong-doing. An animal had to die. Adonai Himself prepared the skin of an animal to cover their nakedness that had only become a reality to them after they ate the fruit in the Garden.
The Messiah, the perfect sacrifice, was crucified on a stake and His blood was shed for the forgiveness of sins for all who will believe. Chapter 53 of the book of Isaiah foretells the sacrifice and death of the Messiah about 700 years before His time on earth. In this passage we see Messiah was to be despised by people, wounded and crushed because of our sins, and led like a lamb to the slaughter. Many passages of Scripture state He rose from the dead. It is human nature to want to earn our way into heaven and life everlasting, however we cannot ‘earn’ that right of passage. It is a free gift for all who will turn to Messiah and ask for cleansing and forgiveness.
We need to accept what Scripture tells us and turn to the Messiah, believe in Him and set about living as He would have us live. He is the Way, the Truth and the Light. In His time on earth, He lived in accordance with the Torah. He was opposed to additional manmade requirements whenever they contravened Torah.
The Scriptures tell us that Yeshua the Messiah is to return to earth and eventually rule and reign from Jerusalem for 1,000 years. This period of time is known as the Messianic or Millennial Age sometimes described as olam haba (the world to come). The book of Revelation outlines the events of the 1,000 year period in chapter 20. Chapter 11 verses 6 – 9 of the book of Isaiah also foretells in part the coming Messianic 1,000 year period. Scripture tells us that after the 1,000 year reign, life will continue into eternity for all who believe in, and follow Messiah. Mankind may not fully understand the order or sequence of events leading up to and in to, the future after-life when life on earth has finally come to an end. There are varying opinions and interpretations of what the Scriptures say in terms of the order of events, but we can rest assured that the Holy One will accomplish all that He has stated in His written Word.
The fact we can choose to believe or reject what Scripture has to say is up to each individual. The Scriptures were inspired by God the Holy One, by the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit). His Word is totally reliable and trustworthy. It contains a set of writings that provide accurate history of the past, and prophetically foretells the future.
The book of Revelation tells us after the Millennial Age, the evil one satan is to be cast away forever. Those who have had their sins forgiven and followed the Messiah by living according to His Word, the Scriptures, will live forever in the presence of the Holy One. Life eternal with no end. The Messiah is our example on how to live, as He followed Torah and also taught that people are to love God with all their hearts, and their neighbours as themselves.
It is clear from Scripture there is life beyond this physical world. Chapter 7 of the book of Daniel, reveals visions that Daniel witnessed. In verses 13 – 14 he saw someone like a Son of Man approaching the Holy One, and was led into His presence. The Son of Man was given glory, and rulership of a kingdom. In that kingdom, all peoples from all nations will serve Him. The passage goes on to say His rulership is eternal and will not pass away.
Reference is made to the Son of Man in chapter 20 of the book of Matthew in the Brit Chadasha. Yeshua was talking to some of His followers, and referred to Himself in verse 28, as the Son of Man who was to give His life as a ransom for many. He gave His life so that we could be set free from the effects of sin.
Yeshua the Messiah, the Son of Man, died and rose again. He is eternal and those who ask for forgiveness of sins, believe in Him, trust in Him, and follow His teachings will live forever in the next life.
© 2025 Messianic Jewish Alliance of New Zealand. Member of the IMJA